Saturday, May 23, 2009

Thursday, April 2, 2009


My dissertation is finally finished. I just need to print off two copies tomorrow and hand it in.

Tonight, most of my program is going to eat at our favorite Italian restuarant in Piccadilly Circus, then going out. Tomorrow will mianly include packing. Then starting at 5pm my entire program (undergrads and postgrads) rented out the top floor of the local pub for a catered meal and celebration festivities.

I'm currently listening to "The Final Countdown" on repeat in iTunes.

Man does it feel good to be done. It's now offficially summer vacation!!!


I'm currently rereading and revising what I've written and then I'll add my conclusion.

7,476 words. I should hit 8,000 after the revisions are done + 600ish for the conclusion.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Exams Over!

Finished my second of two exams this morning. Both of them went fairly well.
I'm currently taking a 5 minute break from my dissertation. Currently my word count is 4,902. It needs to be at least 8,000. I'll be researching/typing all night tonight, most of the day tomorrow, and hopefully I can finish up Thursday...

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Lot of Writing

The last couple days haven't been exciting at all. I've just been writing my dissertation basically, taking breaks occassionally. I've written 4,000 words out of 8-10,000.

Exam on Monday, exam on Tuesday, dissertation due Friday, Rob comes Sunday!, Ireland Tuesday!....

Thursday, March 26, 2009

House of Lords

On my last day of work I went to see the House of Lords debate. Most of the power in Parliament lies in the House of Commons and so that is the most important chamber, but I wanted to see the Lords at some point. It was a little more tame than the Commons, but still worthwhile.

Here are two articles from The Guardian and The Times that highlight the committee hearing with Jesse Jackson that I went to yesterday: